Monday, August 25, 2008

God's Protection

Well, I was in my 1st wreck this AM on the way to work. A nice truck driver decided to run me off the road sending me into a guardrail. What a great way to start off a Monday morning! Thankfully, the Lord protected me & the baby from any really could have been bad. I am so thankful to the Lord for HIS PROTECTION!! Here are some pics of the damage....


Ashleigh said...

Wow Christy! So glad that you and Baby Martin are okay. PTL! Hope your week goes better than it started. :O)

Sue U said...

Gosh, girl ---SO glad it was no worse than that --- how scary! God is GOOD --- and so thankful the baby is good, too ---love you!

Dolly said...

What? A truck ran you off the road? I'm so glad you are okay and that it was on the other side of your car and not your side. Did you stop and get all his info? what a pain! Glad you and the baby are okay. Thank the Lord!

RunnerGirlATC said...

What in the world!?!?! What's this I hear about you and a truck!?!?! Did you get that number off the back bumper and call and tell them "How their driving is"?!?!?!?!...Love you girl and I'm happy you and baby buddah are safe!

Jessica said...

My goodness! I am so glad you are okay...God is so good.

Suzanne said...

I am so glad you and the baby are good. Take care. The Lord was good.

Heather said...

I am so glad that you were okay!