Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The B-day Boy!

Today (June 18) is my brother, Bradley's b-day and I wanted to be sure to give him a BIG b-day shout out since he is far, far away and we're not able to see him! I honestly couldn't love or be more proud of this boy...he's so fun, he's hilarious, he adores his family, he's a great friend, but most importantly, he's an incredible man of God. I love you, B, and I hope you have a wonderful day! We miss you here in TN and wish we could be there in Cali to celebrate with you!

Happy 23rd Birthday!! I love you!


Sue U said...

SO awesome to see you and your brother laughing it up --- you have been blessed with a special family, for sure! Happy B/day, Bradley!!

Sue U said...

....and BTW, how does your hair stay so stinkin' CUTE in all your pics??!?! I'd like your secret!

Donna said...

That first pic makes me laugh! The man in the middle looks stunned.

Christy said...

That's actually an old woman Donna...we laugh EVERY time we see this picture!! :)